Monday, May 2, 2011

Happy Anniversary?!?! If you can even call it that!

The other night I was telling a couple of my friends about the dreaded mullet. They didn't know me back in the days of the mullet. It got my thinking whether or not it was really as bad as I remember- so I looked it up. Indeed, it was. My first post about the mullet was exactly 4 years ago today- so I thought I would do a little anniversary post. 

Pretty dang awesome, right?!
 Can you believe I sported this look for over a month before I found someone I trusted to chop it off. Yes, chopped. The picture below was how much I had to chop off to make it look decent. Pretty sad, since my hair was probably the longest it had ever been. 
Anyways, there you have it. 

1 comment:

ChrissyLee said...

oops- i published this on the wrong site. oh well.